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Moonflower white knickers

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Shop the exclusive Judy Chen Bespoke Lingerie range

Moonflower white knickers

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Moonflower white knickers

from £75.00

Made with Love in England

Fall in love with this beautifully classic style, handcrafted from the most delicate Silk satin sourced in France. Wear the matching bralette to create an elegant, timeless, classic look, unique for a bridal lingerie set. This style can be made as shorts and thongs; please tell us your idea.

A limited size of these are ready to ship ( with in 2 days) after those are sold they will be made to order.

These delicate knickers are made to order. allow 12 - 15 working days before dispatch. If you need your items by a specific date, please contact us any time, we love to help.

Model wears size M

  • Material: 95% Silk 5% Spandex, nylon/cotton lace. Silk gusset liner.

  • Care: Hand washes in lukewarm water, hand dry, wash separately.

  • Colour: Nature White

Size Guide

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